
My Quest for a Hobby Begins Here

Hobbies can be a great source of relaxation. Trying out a new hobby to see if it’s a good fit for you, not as relaxing. Some have steep learning curves or require a lot of supplies/time. You make the commitment, jump in with both feet and then find out that the hobby you’ve picked is just not for you. It becomes an exercise in frustration instead of relaxation.

The above assumes you have picked a hobby to try. If you are like me, completely undecided on what kind of hobby to take up, where do you even begin? There are plenty of sites out there dedicated to specific hobbies, but they are geared toward people who have dedicated themselves to that hobby. These sites are great sources for tips once you get started, but they don’t really discuss the pros and cons of the hobby to help you decide if you even want to start.

There are places that have lists of possible hobbies to try. Of course, they rarely go into any sort of detail about the hobby, so you have to do even more research to find out about the hobbies, to see if you want to invest even more time researching what it takes to get started.

This is where this blog comes in. I plan to attempt a variety of hobbies and discuss my experiences with them; the good, the bad, and everything in between. I’ll talk about what you need to get started, what kinds of skills are needed and how the hobby fits into a real life (I have a 2 and 4-year-old amidst my other commitments and I assume you have some of your own).

Since I’m learning these hobbies as I go, these posts are not meant to be expert step-by-step tutorials. Some may contain all of the information you need, and most will include links to the sites/books/equipment sources I used to get started. If I manage to save even one person the headache of wasting time on a hobby that sounded good in theory but was really not their cup of tea, then this blog will have served its purpose.

Some of these hobbies I have tried before, so this will also serve as a written reminder to myself about why I stopped in the first place. Or maybe I’ll wonder why I ever stopped. Either way, I will have something more concrete than my memory to refer back to.

I’ve decided to start my hobby journey with digital photography. I’ve always liked the idea of being able to take really good photographs and as they say “a picture is worth a thousand words” so hopefully it will increase the value of the blog as well.